Mar 21, 2020

Five Utility Gifts Items for Mom on Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is certainly a huge trend where clicking selfies with your mother and posting them on social media is not enough. To celebrate the day in the true sense, you can always pitch in with special gifts for your mother whether you are with her or away from her with online mother’s day gifts to India. These gifts need not be expensive or extravagant but should be able to portray your concern and love, but also serves utility purposes. To make sure that your gift is more than just a gift but also serves a wonderful memory there’s none better than utility gift items. These gifts serve utilitarian purposes and will be cherished by your mom because of this special feature. Make this mother’s day a special one for your mother with these five utility items she will come to love when she uses it.

1.      Dumbbell shaped water bottle - If your mother is a health freak then there is nothing better than a gift item which can help keep her health in check. A dumbbell-shaped water bottle is a genius innovation as utility gift item go. How about a gift item which fulfills the role of exercise equipment while serving a very ordinary yet important function of a water bottle? This transparent water bottle which when filled with water can also be used as an actual dumb-bell to flex and get the biceps in shape. Thus, this clever gift item will help your mom keep her health in check.

2. Personalized coffee mug- A customized coffee mug tops the list of personalized mother’s day gifts because of the multiple purposes it fulfills. The calmest you would have seen your mother would have been when she’s sipping on the first cup of coffee in the morning, a picture of serenity and tranquility. Contribute to her routine with a customized mug that contains pictures or her favorite dialogues or lines and mom related quotes. This special mug will resemble her fun personality and on a deeper and personal level and will delight her to no end. Also, this mug serves home decor purposes besides the obvious one.

3.Gift card - You may be familiar with the way your mother invests to everyone’s life by doing their chores or providing emotional support. You too can return the favor with a gift card to her favorite apparel or shoe store or even a spa or salon. A gift card on mother’s day will help her get a much-needed me-time with your gift card assisting in the monetary reimbursement. A gift card also saves your time and effort where you don’t have to deal with long hours searching for gifts for mom on mothers day online  and paying for them at checkout counters.

4. Personalized gift baskets - Gifts baskets are the new thing in town and one of the best gifts for mom from son or best gifts for mom from daughters. These gift items can be personalized with your mother’s favorite goodies including bath products, makeup products, skin care products, healthcare products, and many more edible things she is fond of. With so many items she can use for herself these gift baskets are a very thoughtful gift you can give to your mother on mother’s day.

5.Monogrammed journal/ notebook - Notebooks and journals are common gift items which are used by almost everyone from people in corporate worlds to any meticulous homemaker. If your mom loved to pen down her thoughts at the end of the day or is fond of list then a monogrammed journal or notebook is the best utility item you can gift her on Mother’s Day. send cakes to India online for midnight cake delivery online or midnight gift delivery in India for online mothers day gifts 

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