Mar 11, 2020

Scots couple shock guests by throwing surprise wedding at 50th birthday party

A Scots couple left party guests stunned by hosting a surprise wedding at the groom's 50th birthday bash.
Lynn and Mark McGrotty invited their nearest and dearest to what was supposed to be Mark's 50th.
But the sneaky pair had secretly planned their long-awaited wedding and hadn't even told Mark's daughter Amy, 24, and the couple's eight-year-old son Cody.
The happy couple 
Guests turned up to the Riverside Hotel in Irvine expecting to toast the birthday boy - but less than an hour into the evening they were singing Here Comes The Bride.
Lynn, 37, said: "Everyone was absolutely shocked. As soon as Mark got on the mic and told them the real reason they were there, the whole place just started screaming."
Lynn then came from behind a door at the back of the room, wearing a white dress and being guided to the stage 'alter' by her dad, Nicky Smith.
The moment Mark (pictured with his mum, Margaret, daughter Amy and son Cody) revealed to guests the real reason they were at the 'party'. 
She said: "We hadn't told anyone except a couple of very close friends who helped us plan everything and my dad because he had the job of walking down the aisle."
Lynn says even the couple's mums, Margaret McGrotty and Shirley Smith, were kept in the dark.
She added: "When both our mums realised what was happening they just cried. They were so happy."
Lynn came from a door at the back of the room, in her wedding dress with her dad who walked her down the aisle. 
Lynn and Mark have been together for more than 10 years and got engaged seven years ago, but Lynn said the opportunity to get married had just ever came up.
She said: "People honestly thought we would just never, ever get married because we are just not the big wedding type. There was other things that were more important for us, so the opportunity just never came.
The couple's wedding cake celebrated both occasions 
"Then someone suggested we should just go and get married and surprise everyone aferwards. So then the idea just came to me and when I spoke to Mark about it he agreed and then we started planning."
Lynn and Mark contacted a registrar who agreed to their plan, then booked the hotel and told staff there, who helped them plan the evening.
The happy couple 
Lynn, who is hairdresser even got one of her clients in on the big secret so she could make the couple's cake.
She added: She makes cakes so I told her what we were planning and she made a half 50th and half wedding cake."
The wedding went without a single hitch and Lynn says she would recommend a surprise wedding to anyone.

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