Jul 2, 2020

7 Creative Birthday Gifts for Your Children Fictional Character Toy

Every child has a favorite cartoon or animated movie. The great thing about children’s movies today is that main characters aren’t Barbie and Ken, like back when you were little. Now, you have Toy Story, Shrek, Monsters Inc, The Ice Age, Madagascar and many more wonderful movies with colorful characters that have some great qualities apart from looking like a blonde with long legs. Just think about it — what would gladden the children more than a precise replica of their favorite animated movie hero? That lucky child you’re buying this gift for will probably stick to that toy for the rest of his life, or as the narrator in the end of fairytales would usually say — and they lived happily ever after.

Wall blackboard

When children first discover what crayons are able to do, they’re unlikely to part from them until they put some color on every wall of your home. It’s actually psychologically recommendable not to prevent them from drawing and painting, but how many times is enough? In order to avoid all of this, and avoid restraining your children from being creative, your gift online delivery should be a single wall in the house where drawing is allowed — a blackboard wall. This isn’t expensive at all, you can do it all by yourself — you’ll just need a couple of layers of paint. Besides, you won’t even have to take that blackboard down when your children grow up — they can use it as a helpful item when studying and writing some important notes down.

Sleepover party

Supporting your children’s social life while they are young will have a positive effect on their people skills when they become teens, and later in life, when they become adults. It will be a lot harder for them if they develop into asocial people who lock themselves in their own world — there is nothing wrong with that, it’s just harder. The majority of children enjoy being surrounded by their peers, and is there a better way to put them all together than organizing a sleepover birthday party!

Children Clothes

If you want your gift to be useful, you should go with clothes. This is the perfect time to indulge your children with some silly clothing items they always wanted — like costumes, perhaps. Sure, they’ll grow out of them in no time, but they’ll look so sweet wearing them, and you can’t really put a price on such memories. Besides, little children’s clothes are the cutest thing ever — small vests, hats and tiny shoes — you should enjoy this while it lasts.

Remote control cars

When it comes to developing a child’s motor skills, the remote control cars are the best thing ever invented. At the early age, children are curious about everything, and they often want to grab your steering wheel while you’re driving. When that happens, you probably start having those images of the future, when your child turns 16, and when she or he becomes legally ready to get a driver’s license. It’s kind of scary to imagine your child driving, especially when you recall some really dangerous accidents you’ve heard about. The smartest thing to do here is precaution — remote control cars aren’t just for fun, they’re a useful medium for developing your child’s motor skills. When your children finally get their driver’s license, you’ll be confident about their safety and their skills, so you won’t have to spend many sleepless nights worrying.

Smart toys

Talking toys and some simplified imitations of various gadgets may be a really useful gift to India online. They are a great way to introduce contemporary technology to your children through playing — they will be using it sooner or later, so why not now? Obviously, the sooner they start getting to know how computers work and how to use them, the smarter they’ll be when they actually feel the need to use them later in school or for work.

Trip to amusement park

Even though there is a major difference between today’s childhood and the one we had when we were children, amusement parks will never get old. They are one of the few things that are truly timeless — the adrenalin rush you get during some of the rides is irreplaceable. If you decide to take your children to an amusement park, you can be sure they will talk about that trip for the rest of their lives.

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