Sep 10, 2020

Here is how you can celebrate a lockdown birthday


Lockdown birthday: We really did not see that coming. But it is here and staying longer than we would have liked it to. And believe it or not, it has given rise to trends. After drive-by parties, the latest is walk-by parties, where (depending on the lockdown rule in each country) a small number of people, while maintaining social distancing, wear party hats and stand outside the birthday gift for boy or girl’s house and sing happy birthday gift to India online or hold balloons and flowers.

With elaborate outdoor plans shelved, and with limited resources, family and friends are trying to think up quirky ways to keep happy birthdays exciting. Funny cards are emailed (hello 1999), videos calls are made and parties are organised online. Cakes are left on doorsteps or delivered through apps. As grocery runs become less frequent and larders empty, jugaad cakes are made at home by moulding instant noodles, or stacking layers of fruits (papaya and watermelon with apples cut in the shape of stars, for example).

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